Hi. Luke again. Been a while... My lovely and faithful wife Katie has been so good at keeping you all up to date with thoughts and pictures of our travels. I've been more absent thanks to work and trying to edge in a ThM (a second masters degree)…

Hello & Welcome to
A Work in Progress
We drove downhill through the mountains via small curvy roads before going back up more curvy and narrow roads up the mountain to Shaver Lake. The Shaver Lake community experienced a big fire last year and we passed through many burned areas, but the fire fighters obviously worked hard to…
We headed a couple hours south to Yosemite National Park. We found a place to dry camp for free, just 5 minutes outside of the park. It was reassuring to see others doing the same. We had a three day pass to explore. We saw the highlights in the valley,…
We've had to keep an eye on the fires of California making our way down to South Lake Tahoe. Fortunately, the Caldor fire got under control a week or so before we made our way down. This destination I was very much looking forward to because we would…
We made our way into California last week. We tried dispersed camping outside of Jedidiah Smith State Park. That did not go well. There's a difference between State parks, National Parks, and the National Forest and we got ticketed for being in the National Forest (which is normally…
We kind of breezed through Oregon but I don't want it to miss its post. Clara learned how to do the Strider bike. We upgraded Pierce's bike right before we left in June and I told Luke Clara would figure out the strider by September. She…
One misty, moisty, morning, When cloudy was the weather; There I met an old man Clothed all in leather, With whiskers under his chin. How do you do? And how do you do? and how do you do again? If you are short of nursery rhymes- you're welcome.…
Some disturbing news coming out of Afghanistan. I’ve only really followed it on the fringes partly because I’m out in the middle of nowhere trying to focus on family, work, a ThM and the beauty of God in his creation, but also because I don’t know that…