Mark 6 30 44

Mark 6:30-44 This narrative has always struck me as a picture of what ministry can look like. It never ends. Even when you've been out ministering and working for the kingdom, when you attempt to find rest (even when Jesus calls you out to rest) the people…


Waiting for Justice I’ve lately been feeling a tension from two realities. First, I have felt the groan of injustice in the world. The imbalance of justice which waits for God’s retribution is staggering. It’s easy to see injustice in the big things, like the unjust murder…

sovereign anger calvinism

Read a quote in JBC[1] regarding counseling about anger, and what happens when we turn it against God. > It is curious how people who don’t believe that God sovereignly rules all things become embittered hyper-Calvinists when they face sufferings and say, “God could have changed things for…


A thought from Owen's Mortification of Sin in Believers on Romans 8:13: > Mortification from a self-strength, carried on by ways of self-invention, unto the end of a self-righteousness, is the soul and substance of all false religion in the world.[1] --John Owen In other words,…

I Need The Gospel

My heart is so heavy to see how easily people divide over issues like guns and gun control. Guns cannot save you or those around you from death. Gun control cannot save you and those you love from death. Only Jesus saves you from death. A friend once remarked after…

Seminary Is a Lot of Work

Second semester is in full swing and it’s been good so far. The workload is a bit off-balance right now, but I’m making do and it’ll settle in once I get use to the Wednesday/Thursday reading schedule. 1. Greek this semester is over Romans 9–11.…

Psalm 3

Psalm 3 A short Psalm, this one plays out in four stanzas: * 1-2: The Problem: David is under attack. * 3-4: The Solution: God is his shield, the one who hears and answers. * 5-6: The Result: David can rest secure because God sustains. * 7-8: Continued Need: Even though David rests in…

Psalm 1

Psalm 1 Starting a new trek through the Bible (I know, I’m late) and this plan involves both OT, NT and Psalms readings. I’ve been going through the Psalms independently to try to catalog for myself the themes wrapped up in each one. I hope it becomes a…

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