Work from home...

Working from home when home is anywhere is pretty cool. The only downside is trying not to skip out on work to go play in the cool places we get to go. Almost one week in and we're only starting to try to establish some routines. Katie is starting up some math work for homeschooling in the midst of our ventures out to explore nature. I've been working reduced hours while we settle in a bit, but no more reduced than I was working in seminary.

The new home "office"

Some things we've been learning as we settle in. For those of you who are not familiar with RVing (which was us up until a couple months ago), trailers usually carry three tanks: fresh water, black water, and grey water. Fresh is for any use when not connected to an external source. The black tanks is purely sewage. The grey are for all other waste water. And with six people in a single trailer, we're finding that getting sites without full hookups (FHU) means we have to pull up ties and run to the dump station to empty the grey tanks on a pretty frequent basis. I would have guessed the black tanks would be the first, but it tends to fill a bit slower than our grey tank does right now. We could probably slow the fill rate by taking showers in the local facilities and using paper plates more often. Any other tips other folks have on this point, we'd love to hear 'em.

Spearfish Canyon falls (short and easy 1mi hike)

Otherwise, we've done a few hikes in some nearby parks. We've lived at low/flat elevation for almost all our lives (both Katie and I) so seeing any kind of rock formations or peaks higher than like 500ft is pretty awesome.

White Rocks hike (rough paced 3mi hike with serious elevation gain)

It's been super relaxing not having a house to pack up, seminary assignments to complete, or a trailer to renovate (though we still have a few outstanding items in the works). It's nice just to live at a slower pace. If nothing else, my prayer life has been the thing I've noticed benefitting from the calming of our pace of life. We miss our friends from Minneapolis and campground life is very odd for the moment. You walk through the campground one day and the next, half the "neighborhood" has changed over. We thought Hilton Head was a transient community!