It's a different landscape for sure. Driving through there's less trees, the rolling hills seem more brown the green, except for the farm land which appears to be constantly watered. The skies are hazy. We saw some smoke in the distance and wondered what it was. We ended up driving right by a prairie fire and watched the helicopter fly over with water as firemen watched and directed from the road.
We boon docked (no hook ups) in Devil's Elbow. A beautiful place with large brown-purplish hills and a Lake with a couple paths to different beaches. They also run the sprinkler's all day which was a major win for the kids. Water, sand and rocks is where it's at with my kids. You can't really see the grade of the hill Pierce is bike riding down but he's learning to use his breaks.
I got a quick Plein Air study this evening. Trees have never been my forte. Maybe these studies will help. I hope I can get in a couple studies a month.
